Become a Member There are no costs to membership. Submit an application and join today.
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Our Team

The consortium members are clinicians and researchers working nationally in key areas of cancer survivorship and comprising Epidemiology, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Social work, Nursing, Oncology, and Family Practice. Each member brings a different perspective and expertise from both academic and clinical settings.

Steering Committee Members

The committee members reflect the inter-disciplinary model of CCSRC and are responsible for overseeing the direction, development, and growth of the consortium.



Become a Member

The members of the consortium have a cohesive spirit, working nationally in key areas of cancer survivorship .

Become a member. There are no costs to membership. Members are on our distribution list and are notified of upcoming rounds presentations.Submit an application for membership by completing and returning the membership form.


Congratulations to our researchers and their teams who have been recognized for their continued efforts in cancer survivorship.

  • Christine Maheu (2015). Pfizer Award of Excellence in Nursing Research provided by the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) & Ovarian Cancer Canada Award in Support of Psychosocial Oncology Excellence at CAPO for her presentation: Fear of Cancer Recurrence: A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Survivors of Ovarian Cancer.
  • Angela Bedard. (2014). BC Patient Safety and Quality Council. Excellence in Quality Award (End of Life Category). "Advance Care Planning Education at the BC Cancer Agency".
  • Christine Maheu (2013). Award in Support Psychosocial Oncology Excellence from Ovarian Cancer Canada in partnership with the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO).
  • Loiselle, C. G. (2012). Florence Prize for Excellence in Research from the OIIQ (l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec). 
CCSRC Member Application Form.pdf146.43 KB
© 2016 Canadian Cancer Survivorship Research Consortium
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